My brothers I would to thank everyone for the successful events we had in January. I am sorry for not being around, but I be- lieve I will be back to normal this month. Still moving a little slow but I am getting there. I would like to thank John and his team for a successful Honor Roll breakfast. John said it went good and Amy sent a nice text thanking 4727 for a great breakfast. We will move the next breakfast to another day other then mass day. This month we will be having a degree on the third Saturday of February. If you have any candidates please contact them and make sure they can make this degree. We will be running a spelling bee later this month. I am asking the school to assist us by providing a couple of teachers to run it. We will only need a few brothers to help. I would like to congratulate the Squires on their successful event held at Christ the King. They were able to raise $550 to go to the school for a special project the school is running. Great job brothers. I would also like to send a special thank you to our Deputy Grand Knight Martin Kpessou for a fantastic job filling in at my absence. Thanks Martin. As always, I hope everyone is doing well and please know I love each and everyone of my brothers. Mary mother of Jesus and queen of the Knights pray for us.