Our Knight of the month is Tom Heusinger . Tom has been working with Gerry on the newsletter
for more years than I can remember. Tom has filled in were every he can. Thanks Tom.
CLICK on the album you want. You will be redirected to our Council Drive. View the pictures and when you find one you want to download, right click it and select download. Save to your favorite directory on your computer.
“When people want to destroy religion, they begin by attacking the priest; for when there is no priest, there is no sacrifice, and when there is no sacrifice, there is no religion.” - Saint John...
Click HERE to go to Rugged Rosary.com and look at the K of C Combat and Paracord Rosary Collection. If you make a purchase, a percentage goes to K of C Charities.
On Sunday, Pope Francis noted the “great personal risk” taken by soldiers and law enforcement while greeting the participants the Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel.
After a coronation ceremony two years ago hailed as an interreligious novelty and progressively open-minded, King Charles III and Queen Camilla of England will make their first official visit to the...
Due to a fresh bout of bronchitis, something he has experienced with increasing regularity, Pope Francis has decided to move his official meetings to his residence, rather than the more formal...